Law and Political Economy Colloquium
Law 686
Spring 2011
Lee Epstein
Shelley Murphey
Nancy Staudt
Emerson Tiller
Introduction (January 3)
a. Reading: Lee Epstein & Andrew D. Martin, Quantitative Approaches to Empirical Legal Research. In The Oxford Handbook on Empirical Legal Studies, ed. Peter Cane and Herbert Kritzer. Oxford University Press, forthcoming
Workshop 1. Anne O'Connell (UC Berkeley, Law)
a. Discussion of the O'Connell paper (January 10)
b. O'Connell presentation (January 24): Qualifications: Law and Practice of Selecting Agency Leaders
(Your essay on the O'Connell paper is due on January 24. Please bring two hard copies to class.)
Note: There is no class on January 17 (Martin Luther King day)
Workshop 2. Anthony Niblett (Chicago, Law)
a. Discussion of the Niblett paper:
b. Niblett presentation (February 21): Case-by-Case Adjudication and the Path of the Law
(Your essay on the Niblett paper is due on February 21. Please bring two hard copies to class.)
Workshop 4. Morton Schapiro (President of Northwestern University)
a. Discussion of the Schapiro Paper (February 7):
b. Schapiro presentation (February 28): Student Choosing Colleges: Understanding the Matriculation Decision at a Highly Selective Private Institution
(Your essay on the Niblett paper is due on February 28. Please bring two hard copies to class.)
Workshop 5. James Alt (Harvard, Government Department)
a. Discussion of the Alt paper (February 14)
b. Alt presentation (March 7): Enforcement and Public Corruption: Evidence from the US States
(Your essay on the Alt paper is due on March 7. Please bring two hard copies to class.)
Workshop 6. Wendy Martinek (SUNY-Binghamton, Political Science)
a. Discussion of the Martinek paper (March 28)
b. Martinek presentation (April 4): Judicial Selection and Judicial Choice
(Your essay on the Martinek paper is due on March 28. Please bring two hard copies to class.)
Workshop 7. Paul Wahlbeck (George Washington U., Political Science)
a. Discussion of the Wahlbeck paper (April 11)
b. Wahlbeck presentation (April 18): Influence Within the Supreme Court: Network Analysis of the Justices' Interactions
(Your essay on the Wahlbeck paper is due on April 11. Please bring two hard copies to class.)